“A New Year Ode”


Natalie Weinstein is President of Natalie Weinstein Design Associates, The Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club and Uniquely Natalie, a quality consignment
boutique. Enjoy Natalie’s Long Island Focus featured in House Magazine or call: 631-862-6198.

T’was the first day of ‘nineteen
And all through the house 
Clutter prevailed
No room for a mouse!

Holidays over and clean up
Was needed
Mom was a wreck 
For she was not heeded

“Do as I say and clean
Up your room”
But they never saw Mom
Even lift up a broom!

This year will be different
Change in the air
Mom’s got a plan
That she’s carefully prepared

Each take a task, just one you can do
Make sure that you finish –
Just see it all through

Think of the power of one thing
That is done
Then the power of one can really 
Be fun!

Do one shelf in the closet
One drawer in the kitchen
One white load of laundry
And soon you’ll be itchin’

To take on a new job
And find it rewarding
Soon you’ll be purging
No more of that hoarding

The house will be cleaner
With things in its place
Save time in the morning
No lost sock to chase!

So, start the new year
Without even an utter
Just make your own plan
And vow to de-clutter

A happier home 
And a happier you 
Will be on the horizon
For your family
And you!