Health & Wellness: Immune Support for the Change of Seasons


There is no such thing as basic immune support.  Immune support should be specific and unique to each person.  For example, a lot of people throw around recommendations such as Vitamin C.  However, if you have extremely loose bowels, a high dose of Vitamin C could exacerbate your toilet time.  This is just one of many examples.  As a Naturopathic Doctor, I get hit with a lot of seemingly simple questions.  News flash – if I don’t know your entire medical history, I cannot give any medical advice.  Makes you wonder – how could a quick 15 minute visit to see a doctor for the first time be effective?

Labwork is key.  Vitamins, minerals, inflammatory and immune markers must be tested for a doctor to effectively evaluate your body’s needs.  Knowing what you are deficient in or if there are any toxic high levels are essential.  Vitamin A at high doses for a short period of time plays a very crucial role as an anti-viral, but if you start absorbing high levels then it is toxic.  This is because Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and gets stored in your adipose tissue and liver.  Too much and you can cause damage to your health.  Vitamin D is also wonderful for basic immune support but again it is a fat soluble vitamin and needs to be properly tested and prescribed.  Vitamin K helps the absorption of Vitamin D but guess what – also fat soluble so must be tested and monitored over time.  Zinc is also wonderful immune support and it also comes in lozenges to soothe a sore throat.  Topical iodine is another favorite of mine for a scratchy throat and it can be wiped right on your neck for antibacterial absorption.  Our body does not make it, so we must consume it.  Iodine helps to support your thyroid as well, but you want to make sure your levels are not too high.


I see a lot of patients suffering with autoimmune disease and a huge mistake I see over and over again is that they load up on immune stimulants which can further put their immune system into overdrive.  This will flare inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of autoimmune disease.  The answer instead is – immune modulation.  This can come in the form of proper nutrients, herbs and diet recommendations.

The last thing you want to do if you suffer from any autoimmune condition is to ramp up an already inflamed immune system.  Conventional medicine will suppress inflammation.  Naturopathic Medicine reverses chronic inflammation and calms down the firestorm burning in your body naturally.

Remember proper immune support is unique for each person.  It can even change from season to season.  Knowing what your body requires and following through by giving yourself what you need truly is the best self-care.