Beach Bag Necessities This Summer


Anna is currently a student 
at Fairfield University. She doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life yet because her possibilities are endless. Anna loves reading, the beach, and iced peach green tea lemonades!
As the sun finally gets hotter and hotter, people are itching to go to the beach. I don’t know about you, but all winter I’ve been craving a hot beach day. Winter is nice, but nothing beats sand between my toes, salt water in my hair, and the sun on my face. Every summer my go to is a beach bag filled with all the necessary summer essentials. Packing for a quick beach trip or a sun-filled vacation can be stressful, but here are some must-haves every girl needs in her beach bag this summer.
    This is a no brainer, but first you need an awesome bag. Make sure you select a tote that’s big enough to fit all your essentials and sturdy enough to last the season. Target, T.J. Maxx, Aerie, and Nords trom are great stores to check out to find that perfect bag. Another great summer necessity is the NKD SKN Pre-Shower Tan. This lotion is the easiest way to get the perfect tan. Apply the lotion 10 minutes before showering and it leaves you with a great base tan! 
    Some givens for the perfect beach bag include sunscreen, lip protectant, sunglasses, and a cute beach towel. Be sure to use a sunscreen that is suitable for your skin type and that has the proper UV protection. Lip protectant can be a facial sunscreen or a lip balm with SPF. 
    For sunglasses, be sure to buy a pair that is dependable to last. Rayban sunglasses are always a great idea for summer shades. While you’re lounging in the sand soaking up the sun, it’s always a good idea to bring a great summer book or a speaker to listen to music with friends. 
    A great product to prepare for a day in the sun is Vita Liberata’s Super Fine Sk in PolishMoisturizing Exfoliator. This exfoliator will remove dead skin cells to leave skin soft and smooth for a day of tanning.  After a day in the sun there are many products to counteract the sun’s rays, find one with anti-aging qualities that are perfect for any skin type to recover from a day in the sun.
    A stress-free beach day is one of the best parts of summer on Long Island. We’re spoiled with beautiful beach-filled summers. These amazing products are beach bag must-haves for a great day in the sun. Whether you plan on spending the day having fun with friends or taking in the beautiful scenery on your own, having a fully stocked beach bag is a must for a successful beach day!