Fall For Edible Flowers


Denise Gianatasio is a Northport Village resident and freelance writer. She is a licenced agent at Signature Premier Properties, 172 Main Street, Northport 631-754-3600. Denise enjoys cooking and sharing her recipes and family stories, as she wants to inspire a warm sense of home with her readers. Please feel free to contact her for any advice you may need at  dishinwithdenise@yahoo.com.

During the late summer early fall season is when these beautiful golden flower tops emerge from the fully ripe zucchini squash. A flower appears as if to say “fini!” As I sadly inspect the seasons end to all of my fresh herbs, I notice a flower top at the end of my basil plants and the oregano and soon the chives will shoot out a beautiful purple flower… A Nice way to say… so long, bye bye, growing season “See you again next summer!” The zucchini blossom is a delicate, edible flower, and this quite simple preparation is a longtime favorite of mine.  My Grandmother would scramble these flowers, or fry them with eggs and grated cheese. They are wonderful when added to soups, used in countless recipes or just to dress a dish as a beautiful garnish. My absolute favorite way has always been stuffed and fried in a light tempura like batter. Once thought of as the Mediterranean’s oldest and perhaps one of the poorest dishes has now attracted a new popular following. Throughout Southern France and across the borders into Italy you can find them at street stands as well as served in the finest of restaurants. This guilded lily can be stuffed with countless variations of delicious ingredients, stuffed with goat cheese, fresh mozzarella, ricotta or meat and rice. I love and am hooked on the fresh mozzarella with fresh basil leaves.  Simply addictive. Serve with a glass of chilled white wine, and do stop and smell the flowers!  Xoxo Enjoy! Denise

12 zucchini flower blossoms (pistil gently removed from center)
1 cup flour
½ cup of ½ and ½ (can use a bit of water) consistency should whisk to that of heavy cream
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
12 ¼ pieces of mozzarella sliced long to fit the length of blossom
12 large fresh basil leaves
Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
2/3 cup of olive oil (heated till hot in large frying pan)

Place a piece of mozzarella gently into top of flower filling almost to the very top, push in a basil leave and twist top of flower petal to close. Carefully dip all of the stuffed blossom into flour mixture (whisk well together the flour and ½ & ½, add the parsley salt and pepper and whisk again.)  Gently place into hot sizzling oil and fry till golden 2-3 minutes, turning once. Do this in small batches of 4, so as not to crowd. Remove with a slotted spoon and place onto plate lined with paper towel. Sprinkle with a little more salt and fresh pepper, Serve immediately-use your fingers and your palate will experience a truly scrumptious, delicate, light, crispy mouthful of perfection. If you have trouble finding these golden delights… check out food specialty stores grown from hot houses or ask at the farm stands, they may be in refrigerator.