Inflammation In The Body


Kristin has been working in the natural products industry for over fifteen years as an expert in holistic beauty products
 nutrition and supplements. Also a fitness instructor, she is passionate about the mental and physical benefits of fitness and encourages people to reach their goals while having fun. She just completed her first book, a memoir. Follow her on Twitter @kristinjoylavin or visit her website:

Inflammation is the body’s reaction to external threats like stress, toxins, infection, even certain foods. Interestingly certain foods can cause inflammation while others help fight against it.

Types of Inflammation
Arthritis is a very common type where joints may ache and redness may be present. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and eczema are chronic forms that can affect internal organs, skin and joints in many cases. More research is showing that chronic inflammation can often lead to cancers and heart disease so prevention is crucial. 

Limit Exposure
Limiting your intake of certain foods and exposure to chemicals can help. Alcohol and tobacco should be avoided if you suffer from one of the above. If you are genetically predisposed to inflammatory diseases then only use in moderation if at all. Specific foods can cause flare-ups or chronic issues. Limit or avoid processed foods (i.e. boxed mac and cheese), wheat, dairy, fast foods, deli meats, packaged snacks, sugar and caffeine. I, for example, cannot eat too many tomatoes. When I eat sauce or salsa, I wake up achy the next day. It took me a while to figure it out but tomatoes don’t agree with me even though I like them. So now, any tomato based foods have become a rarity in my diet. My friend’s eczema banished when she gave up dairy. So sometimes it’s not even a bad food, it’s just a bad food for you. Limit exposure to food or gardening/lawn pesticides and chemicals in your daily routine of grooming or cleaning. There are so many natural ingredient choices in all aspects of life. 

Nutrients Can Help
Choosing foods that don’t cause inflammation or even help combat it is key. Fatty fish like salmon or sardines are great or you can supplement with a high quality, mercury tested fish oil. Raw nuts and nut butters are acceptable as well as an abundance of fruits and vegetables, especially greens or berries- nature’s cleansers. Beans and high quality, free-range eggs provide nutrients and protein. White or green teas are loaded with antioxidants and rich in theanine which calms the mind. Drink lots of filtered water- add lemon, which is very alkalizing to the body. Start your day with half a lemon squeezed in warm or cold water. Get the most out of your food, making choices to generate wellness. A burger with fries may taste yummy but it doesn’t compare to a stir-fry with brown rice, tamari, cashews, carrots and broccoli in terms of healing nutrients, good fats and sustainable energy. It won’t have the bloating wheat, saturated fats and leave you sluggish. Discover the wonders of ginger and turmeric for health. Add both to your condiment selection to turn up the volume in your dishes, adding warming, vibrant flavor while helping the body with its inflammatory response. 

Small changes can yield big results. Empower yourself in life to make healthy choices for most of it.