Save Big With LED Light Bulbs


Bill Lauto is an Environmental Scientist and Energy Consultant who has been 
teaching how we can save our money, 
energy, environment, and health, since 1982. Mr. Lauto operates and his work has been published in magazines such as: Consumer Report, Kiplinger's Financial and Business Ethics.

Here is a great Trivia question for any game:

What year did energy saving fluorescent bulbs become available in America?

Need a Hint?
Think before emails and Websites were around!


Since 1982 I have been saying, “You can make a difference by just changing one light bulb in your home or office.” Yes, Energy Saving Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs where around and saving money, energy, and our environment for those who were bold enough to evaluate, buy, and use them since 1982.

Today at I am advocating the fact that now with LED bulbs joining Compact Fluorescent bulbs, it is practical for us to change all our light bulbs! By just changing light bulbs in your home or office, you will not only save yourself money, but also our environment for our grandchildren! 

If you are still using Standard Incandescent light bulbs there is one powerful fact you may not know. These Edison designed light bulbs will LOSE up to 45% of their light output with use. However, you continue to pay for the full wattage of the bulb!

For Example:

After a 100 incandescent watt bulb is on for about 420 hours (about 12 hours a day for 5 weeks) that bulb will lose light level and only "give off" or "put out" 55 watts of light!
Meanwhile, you still pay for 100 watts of electricity! Then after 750 hours or about four weeks later, the bulb will burn out!

This is why when replacing a burned out bulb, the new bulb of the same wattage is much brighter than the bulb that just burned out!

Another “kick in the rear:”
With Edison’s 1928 designed incandescent bulbs, they are most inefficient product designed by mankind. Out of the 100% of electricity used to operate the incandescent bulb, 90% generates heat! Only 10% of the electricity consumed produces light!

Energy saving fluorescents will lose ONLY 15% of their light output over their much longer life which is about 2 1/2 years when on 12 hours a day. Fluorescent bulbs realize up to 71% savings in electricity and energy, while LED bulbs will save around 75% as they last twice as long as fluorescents.

If you have any specific questions about your light bulbs, you can contact our energy experts through the website