Begin Again


Kristin has been working in the natural products industry for over fifteen years as an expert in holistic beauty products, nutrition and supplements. Also a fitness instructor, she is passionate about the mental and physical benefits of fitness and encourages people to reach their goals while having fun. She just completed her first book, a memoir. Follow her on Twitter @kristinjoylavin or visit her website:

By the time you read this, like me, you’ve had your fair share of holiday sweets, treats and meats. It seems like at every holiday gathering champagne and chocolate cake are calling my name.

The holiday sugar fog is beginning to lift. It’s a new year and it’s time to begin again. 

Here are some ideas to get you rolling in the right direction.

Skip the “for a limited-time holiday” lattes and sugared up frappes. Instead choose an herbal or green tea or a fresh squeezed juice from your own juicer or the local juice bar. You’ll still get a nice pick me up without the blood sugar imbalance.

Donate extra, unopened goodies and sweets to the local food pantry. They can always use extras for gatherings and desserts.

Get back into your exercise routine or begin a new one to mix it up. Yoga, Zumba, HIIT, racquetball, tennis and swimming are fun ways to pass the time while tightening and toning.

Go veg or vegan one day a week. It gives your digestive track a day to not work so hard in digesting heavy proteins and animal products. Try a three-bean chili.

Begin a meditation practice or have quiet time for five minutes a day. After such a hectic time, our minds and bodies become conditioned to “busyness” and distractions. Cleansing the mind and soul is just as important as cleansing the body and it’s organs.

Invest in some organic beauty products. We are exposing ourselves to hundreds of chemicals per day just through our beauty routine! Shop at your local health food store and pick up a chemical free shampoo, conditioner, facial wash and moisturizer to start with. You will see a difference in your skin and hair. I use John Masters Organics.

With winter in full force, it’s crucial to keep our immune systems functioning properly. Supplements can help support that. My top picks are a good B complex, Vitamins D & C, Omega 3 from fish oil, acidophilus for tummy health and calcium/magnesium. 

Lastly, in a world where we are bombarded with news and drama, begin an E-sabbatical. Whether you choose a whole day or just in the evenings, take a break from the electronic world. Enjoy time with family, pets, in nature, playing a game and reading a good book. It’s far more rewarding, less addictive and will give your eyes and brain a well-deserved break.

Post Holiday Tip: Spend your gift cards or cash gifts on the gift of health to yourself. Investing in organic beauty products, a gym membership, yoga classes, vitamins, a facial or massage will be the gift with lasting benefits.