New Year Cleanse & Health Boost


Kristin has been working in the natural products industry for over fifteen years as an expert in holistic beauty products, nutrition and supplements. Also a fitness instructor, she is passionate about the mental and physical benefits of fitness and encourages people to reach their goals while having fun. She just completed her first book, a memoir. Follow her on Twitter @kristinjoylavin or visit her website:

Many of the holiday foods we eat such as sugar, alcohol, dairy and caffeine have addictive qualities so stopping them can be a challenge for some. We can incorporate healthy choices plus cleanse and support our internal organs at the same time. Pick a few below to try and note your results.

Lemon water in the AM
First thing in the morning, squeeze half of a lemon into a cup of cold or hot water and drink on an empty stomach. Do this for 7-14 days in a row. This will reduce inflammation build up and cleanse organs like liver and kidneys. Most people feel a big difference doing this and drop a few pounds too. 

Drink 8 glasses of water per day
Water helps flush toxins out through sweat and urination. Often we eat because we think we are hungry but it’s actually thirst. Ditch the bottled water and buy a good kitchen water filter like Aquasana. Plastics pollute the Earth and make our bodies produce more estrogens by plastic ingestion.

Sweat helps excrete toxins. A few minutes in the gym sauna is calming and detoxifying. Or sweat it out through a good workout which burns those extra holiday calories off too.

Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes 
Probiotics aka acidophilus replaces our body’s “good intestinal flora” which decreases with age or too many antibiotics. Enzymes help us digest our food better especially if your stomach acid is unbalanced due to poor diet. Available at health food stores. Read the bottle’s instructions.

Greens like spinach or kale or powdered greens contain nature’s cleanser, chlorophyll. Add to a smoothie or protein shake or make or buy fresh juices with greens. All are great for people with too much acidity, digestive issues or who lack eating daily green veggies in their diet.

Eat one raw snack or meal like a salad, juice or smoothie per day or one vegetarian or vegan meal per day
This will help you ingest live enzymes and more fiber without cutting nutrients. Think falafel, three-bean chili or a southwest salad with corn and black beans.
Eliminate/reduce carbs
Cut out white sugar and replace with honey, for at least one week. You may find you won’t crave them after that. Replace with brown rice, quinoa and other whole grains.
Reduce caffeine intake
More than one coffee per day is too much. Your second cup should be herbal or green tea. Too much caffeine is taxing on our adrenals. Green tea has theanine which promotes calmness and mental clarity plus powerful antioxidants.

Sleep 7-9 hours per night or catnap for 20-30 minutes per day
Your body needs rest when detoxing and after holiday stress.

Eliminate dairy which causes inflammation
Eliminating dairy for a period of time will allow your body to rid itself of excess mucous and reduce inflammation. After that have dairy in small amounts only and not daily.
Eliminate alcohol
Our livers are our filters for all the stuff we ingest including alcohol. Take a break for a few weeks to support your liver. 

Try different combinations each week and see which ones really make a difference for you. We are all different but want the same thing – overall health and to feel good.