Get Involved In Your Community and Have Fun at the Same Time


Victoria is an accomplished 11 year old Animal Educator and Journalist
recognized by Dowling College for her excellence in the field of Arts and
Sciences. Victoria also teaches in schools and libraries where she shares first hand her knowledge and experiences in a
series of educational programs that
she developed.

Recently I had a chance to talk to the amazing Dr. Jane Goodall about her wonderful youth program Roots and Shoots. Roots and Shoots is an exciting program designed to help kids make a difference in their community. Starting a Roots and Shoots project is easy. Step 1: Spread the word about making a difference. Step 2: Explore your community and find an area where you'd like to make a difference. Step 3: Pick a place where you feel you will have the greatest impact and start your campaign. Step 4: At the end of the campaign, celebrate your success and the difference you made. 

Dr. Goodall says "People who join, become more connected with nature and their community". To get all the details, including a complete Roots & Shoots Formula Toolkit go to 

Another easy way to get involved in your community is to volunteer and there are so many ways to do so. If you’re really good at something and would enjoy teaching others about it, you can contact your local library and offer to teach a class. Whether its photography, cooking, artwork or something else you're passionate about give them a call, I know they’ll appreciate it. The libraries offer wonderful facilities and they will handle getting the word out as well as the registration for your class. 

If teaching a class is not your thing, animal shelters always need a helping hand. And if you can’t leave home but still want to volunteer, then become a foster parent for animals. When you become a foster parent you take in a dog/cat (or some other type of animal) until it finds its forever home. This happens a lot when shelters have no more room for all the animals. 

To check out my full interview with Jane Goodall go to

Victoria’s Fun Facts and Tips

The Roots and Shoots program is in 130 countries with over 150,000 members.

You can receive a $200.00 grant to get your project started by simply going to the Root and Shoots website and applying.

You can volunteer at the Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown at age 16 and in some cases at age 13. They offer a wide range of projects that you can help with. For more info. go to and click on the 'Volunteering' tab.