Surviving Summer Activities


What is better than summers on Long Island?  Starting around Memorial Day, beach days and barbecues are how many of us spend our summers. We eat, drink and sit in the hot summer sun; we really enjoy the season for all its worth.  In fact, maybe we tend to enjoy it a little too much.  How often do we find ourselves heading back for another hot dog or margarita?  It is so easy to disregard our normal health routine because, let’s face it, Long Island summers feel like a 3 month long vacation!

While it is easy to indulge in all the joys of summer, what‘s not easy is the toll it is taking on your overall health. By September, your fall wardrobe may be a little tighter, you may start to feel sluggish, your immune system may be down and as the weather cools, you may be wondering why you over did it …again.

Enjoy the Memorial Day summer kick off festivities. Bask in all the glory of summer and in June, you should really become more aware of your BBQ blunders.

Get Your Gallon in
Get a gallon of water and use that as a guide. Fill a water bottle, add some lemon or cucumbers in and aim for finishing a gallon a day.  Even if you don’t hit the mark, you’ll likely be plenty hydrated for trying!  Staying hydrated is critical for regulating body temperature and ensuring your entire body is working optimally. You will also notice the more water you drink, the less snacking you’ll do!

Get Your Grill Going
BBQs are for grilling!  Choose from lean proteins like chicken breast, turkey burgers and grilled shrimp. Also consider grilling seasonal veggies on a skewer as a nice appetizer or snack.  Making better choices on the grill will help keep your health in check.

Make Clear Choices
Blended drinks are great in the summer.  Who doesn’t enjoy a refreshing pina colada or daiquiri? The problem is those summer drinks are packed with sugar. Choose clear drinks and you will save a ton of calories and reduce your sugar spikes. Try vodka seltzers or white wine spritzers.

Find Some Fruit
There is always fruit salad at a summer BBQ!  From cantaloupe to kiwi, you’re bound to find fruit on the table. Berries are your best bet as they are high in antioxidants and lower in sugar than the rest.  Watermelon is great for helping hydrate and kiwis are a summer favorite, rich in vitamin C and also lower in sugar.

Get Moving
The first day after a BBQ binge is not the greatest time for a workout but, to keep those extra pounds away, make sure your exercising at least 4 days a week for 30-60 minutes!  Even power walking will help you burn those calories.

Live your best summer life (but really, your better, healthier summer life) this year using these 5 tips. Over-indulging from time to time is not disastrous, so when you do, just get back on track and move on! Happy Barbecuing!

Maria Faller is the founder of Be A Better You Fitness and Be Better Kids. She is a speaker and a certified wellness coach.  She is the creator of the Transform and Tell program and author of the newly
released book “BABY STEPS: A realistic guide to Being a Better You.”  To contact Maria please visit or the following social media outlets: Twitter@BeABetterYouFit