Prestige Adult Center hosts Centennial Celebration

    Prestige Adult Center, had the pleasure of honoring Estefana Olivares at her 100th birthday party on August 2 at the center in Huntington Station.
    Estefana Olivares was born on August 3, 1919, in Ica, Peru. She moved to Lima, Peru, where she worked as a hotel housekeeper. She raised two sons, Hugo and Humberto, as a single mother. Her sons immigrated to America in the 1960s and she joined them in 1967, settling in Manhattan, where she worked as a seamstress. She became a U.S. citizen in 2000. Ms. Olivares celebrated this milestone at Prestige Adult Center in Huntington Station with family and friends. She was joined by her son, Hugo, as well as Ambassador Marita Landaveri, Cónsul General of Perú; Jim Gaughran, NY State Senator; Chad Lupinacci, Huntington Town Supervisor and Tom Donnelly, Suffolk County Legislator.
    The goal at Prestige Adult Center is to enrich the lives of our senior citizens. With multiple activities to choose from such as: Arts & Crafts, Memory Training, Music and Dance Therapy, Local Excursions, Computer Classes, Chair  Yoga, Guest Lecturers and more; the Adult Center is designed to help keep the citizens engaged throughout the day.
    Prestige Adult Center provides a warm and inviting environment that enriches people’s golden years. As the place which many people can feel at home, Prestige is more than happy to show you around their premises. Open Monday through Friday from 9:00AM-5:00PM, they offer free tours, free roundtrip transportation and look forward to answering any inquiries. Visit them at 21 Walt Whitman Road in Huntington Station or call 631.923.2262 to schedule your free day, including lunch and yoga.