Enlighten Up: Being Happy


Angela Blanchet is an intuitive life coach. Her goal is to help others live the life they were meant to and experience the love and joy that awaits them. Writing a daily inspired message called "Enlighten Up". She can be reached at angelablanchet@gmail.com or www.angelablanchet.com
    We tend to get it backwards.  We often think, "If I could make more money, or meet my true love, or find that ideal job, then I will be happy".  

    We need to FEEL HAPPY FIRST, then all of our desires come to us.  Because many of us are in habit of focusing on what is going wrong in our days, or on the things that we don't want, it is easy to become disconnected from our happy place. Ask yourself what you are giving your focus to and make an intention to spend more time focusing on the things that give you a feeling of joy. We are all emotional magnets. We get more of what we focus on and how we are choosing to feel.  Feelings of unhappiness attract more feelings of unhappiness and feeling happy attracts more to feel happy about.  We also tend to blame others for our feelings of unhappiness. Or we feel we need someone to be or act a certain way to make us happy.  Everyone is on their own spiritual life path. And the behaviors of others have only to do with themselves and nothing to do with us. We tend to take things very personally and allow it to affect our own enlightened state.  Look for happiness from within yourself and not dependent on what others do or say.  Don't wait for happiness to find you.  Find it for yourself in everything that is working for you. If you take time out in your day, you will see how much there is to be grateful for, and feelings of gratitude create feelings of happiness.  Be grateful for all the little things, the beautiful weather,  your hot morning shower, the abundance of food in your refrigerator, the way the song on the radio makes you feel like singing out loud.   

    If you haven't felt this, you just stopped noticing, that's all. There is so much to be grateful for right under your nose.  Spend time looking for things to appreciate  and acknowledging all that you have.  Go on and sing out loud.  Express feelings of joy.  Do the happy dance now and you will be amazed by the abundance of happiness that comes your way, in ways that you least expect them!