Maggie’s Mission Angelversary Gala


    Maggie’s Mission Angelversary Gala benefiting Maggie's Mission will be held June 1, 2018 from 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. under the white tent on the great lawn of the beautiful Montauk Yacht Club. This important fundraising event benefits Maggie’s Mission. A nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness and funding research to find cures for rare pediatric cancers.
    June 1, 2018 marks the one year Angelversary of Maggie’s passing. 17year old Maggie Schmidt died after a 10 month battle against a rare and aggressive cancer – Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors.
    Please consider joining us as we celebrate Maggie’s life in a place Maggie LOVED! Montauk, NY. It will be a beautiful night filled with music, dancing, delicious food, and a full premium bar in a spectacular venue. Featuring exclusive silent auction items, raffle baskets and a 50/50 raffle.           
    PLATINUM TABLES are available at $5,000 for a table of ten. Includes prime seating, recognition in the program and signage at the event, basket of Maggie Gear, 6 luxury raffle tickets per table valued at $100 each, and name listed on Maggie’s Mission website for 1 year.
    GOLD TABLES are available at $3,500 for a table of ten. Includes prime seating, recognition in the program and signage at the event, 4 luxury raffle tickets per table valued at $100 each, and name listed on Maggie’s Mission website for 6 months.
    SILVER TABLES are available at $2,500 for a table of eight. Includes prime seating, recognition in the program and signage at the event, 2 luxury raffle tickets per table valued at $100 each, and name listed on Maggie’s Mission website for 3 months.
    Individual tickets are available at $200 per person. Purchase of both the sponsorship tables and individual tickets can be done online at However, checks are preferred – they can be mailed and made out to Maggie’s Mission, 51 Boulevard Ave. Greenlawn, NY 11740. Please note guest names and number attending with your payment.
    RSVP no later than May 1, 2018. In honor of Maggie’s Angelversary, we ask that everyone attending wear white.
    Please help Maggie in her quest for a cure by supporting this important fundraising event. Consider a donation of a gift certificate, basket, event tickets, special experiences or services. Any and all donations are welcome. Contact for more information.

Maggie’s Mission is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to raising awareness and funding research to find cures for rare pediatric cancers. Visit us at to learn more.