Social Isolation


Lawrence Keating LCSW CASC Psychotherapist Family Therapist
Transitions Counseling Services (631) 360-2223. I graduated from South Oaks hospital counselor training program, and am currently certified as an addictions specialist by the State of New York. Graduated cumme laude from Adelphi University with a BA in social science. Finished graduate school in social work as a Social Worker, and currently am licensed and certified by the State of New York. I am the owner and psychotherapist of Transitions Counseling Service, located at 22 Lawrence Ave. Suite 211 Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 360-2223  –

    This time of year can be difficult for many who find themselves socially isolated. Social isolation presents itself in many different forms. Many feel isolated due to the fact they have social anxieties; others in the midst of many, feel lonely, isolated, and not included. Evidence suggests society as a whole has the highest level of depression. It causes isolation, and can lead to increased depression, thus creating a viscious cycle. 
    The answer is for one to transform negative thoughts and feelings about themselves to the positive. This can be accomplished by gratitude. First, try to bring to consciousness the the thoughts they feel are normal and can be improved– mostly negative in origin. If they can recognize the thoughts as negative, they have won half the battle. The transition to positive will be learned behavior. 
    So, when a person has negative thoughts, they attract negative people who support their thinking. This leads to loneliness and isolation. To prevent that, it is necessary to  not allow negativity. Conversely, those who adapt positive thinking attract true friends and acquaintances who think and feel positive as well.
    If you find that at this time of year you are isolated and alone, try to work on yourself. First, get out and meet people, and do things for others with no alternative motives. A random act of kindness will affect the giver, receiver, and all who witness it. This will bring positive people into your life. The act of giving will allow you to receive, and the isolation and loneliness will leave.