The Biggest Mistake in Life Almost Everyone Makes


Start Loving Life® Expert Connie Henriquez LOVES to teach people how to start loving life! Connie has a private coaching practice located in Woodbury, NY where she teaches kids & teens how to overcome anxiety, self-doubt and improve their self-esteem in as little as 30 days utilizing her signature "positive psychology" coaching system. For more information on how you can start loving ife®… check out her website
at or call
(516) 340-0378.

Over time, we have trained ourselves to associate different qualities that define ourselves. Yet sometimes we don't realize that the quality we thought was good, may be the very quality that is holding us back from living OUR LIFE in a VERY BIG WAY. One verb that often comes up when I work with clients and defines "how they view" themselves is the word: “giving”.

Now I am not saying that being a, "giver" is ALWAYS bad, because of course it is not. It can actually be quite reward-ing.  However, I want you to really think about in what context you’re using the word "giving": 

• Do you give because you know your WORTH, you feel GREAT and you LOVE to give to others without expecting anything in return? 


• Do you give (sometimes depleting yourself of your own personal resources and happiness) in search of validation secretly hoping to receive love, acceptance or appreciation in return.

Both answers are completely different and result in two VERY different outcomes for you and your life's decisions.
With the first outcome you will feel great regardless, but the second, will set you up for disappointment if you do not receive the desired response. You never want to rely on outside validation from ANYONE, EVER.

So take it from me who has seen many people struggle with wanting to be of help or "of service" to others.  Don't make the mistake of being the, "giver" if you need to tend to yourself first.  Because sacrificing yourself, your mental health or your happiness is never worth it.  

Give to yourself first, because similar to instructions given on an airplane regarding the use of oxygen masks,…”unless you take care of yourself first, you won't have anything to give to anyone anyway”.