Pesky People… When Strangling Is Not An Option


Dr. Gold, Ph.D, LMHC, Licensed and Board Certified Clinical MentalHealth Counselor, with a Ph.D in psychology, is in private practice at her home office in Fort Salonga, specializing in relationships and integrating traditional methods with holistic ones.  She works with all type problems. She is a Life Coach, Workshop Leader, Lecturer, and published 
Author. Please contact her at

You know them. There are probably one or more in your life. Relatives, co-workers, employees, bosses, “friends.”  Whether they mean well or otherwise, we do agree that their intrusive utterances are annoying at best, more likely maddening at most.  

Regardless of their motives, we want to always keep in mind that we do not have to answer anything asked of us that we don’t want to answer. We are the president of ourselves. We are in control. Knowing that, will provide us with feelings of power when confronted by Pesky People. Which means that we also don’t have to consider strangulation, knowing that there are better and certainly more lawful options! The key is to handle unwanted queries and intrusive questions with aplomb. If with humor, better yet.

Let’s start with a common question, I find one of the most annoying of all. You might well agree with me on this!
“How old are you?”
I LOVE this response: “Age is a number and mine is unlisted.”

A runner up in the annoyance category: 
“Have you gained weight?”
Try this answer.” I don’t know, I gave my scale to the Smithsonian years ago, so I don’t weigh myself. (You can say it whether or not it’s true).  I’m first and foremost healthy and I’m pleased with how I look. That’s what matters most to me.”

How about this one! 
“When are you two going to have a baby?”
This is so classless, and none of their business that it hardly deserves a polite answer, but regardless. 
Good answer: “If and when we decide to, you’ll be among the first to know.”

Singles have probably heard this one more times than you can count or care to count. “How come you’re not married yet?“ 

Because I’ve not yet met the right one. No marriage is better than a bad marriage.  The way things are, works for me right now.”

Finally – and this is hard – bless those difficult people are in our life to grow from. In any encounters with them, strive to remain poised, in control and classy. It’s wonderful and relatively easy to deal with people who are appropriate, tactful and considerate. We want to have as many of that kind in our life as possible.

However, the difficult ones can be the ones we can grow from most. In terms of feeling powerful, in control and not losing it in their presence. Be the example, not the exception. Who knows, they might even learn something from our behavior which they can then borrow as their own.

Don’t you now kind of hope one of these peskies will come along so you can try out on them one of those awesome answers!

Good luck!