Chicken Cordon Bleu


Denise Gianatasio is a Northport 
Village resident and freelance writer. 
She is a licensed agent at Signature 
Premier Properties, 172 Main Street, Northport 631-754-3600. Denise 
enjoys cooking and sharing her recipes and family stories, as she wants to
inspire a warm sense of home with 
her readers. Please feel free to contact her for any advice you may need at

by Denise Gianatasio

Here is a classic French favorite that is sure to delight your family and guests. I find this recipe really easy to prepare, pretty to look at and delicious tasting. Cordon Bleu got its name from French culinary tradition. It is translated to mean “blue ribbon,” which is a most honorable, winning award given to a food dish or a talented chef in France. Using pounded chicken breasts and rolling them up with ham and Swiss cheese inside make’s this an elegant entrée… Simple to prepare and looks like you fussed all day! So invite some company and delight them with this warm dish and help them pass straight through and beyond the cold winter blues… Au revoir l’hiver! ( good~bye winter)


To serve 5-6

6 pounded boneless chicken 
    breasts (1/3 inch thick)
12 slices of Boar’s Head ham 
    (can use low sodium)
12 slices of Swiss cheese
3 eggs beaten well
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley
1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper
1/4 tsp sea salt
 1 cup seasoned panko breadcrumbs
1/3 cup seasoned Italian flavored 
1/3 cup grated Locatelli cheese 
1/4-cup water
Toothpicks (if necessary for 
    securing ends)

In shallow dish place breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, parsley and mix together. In a separate shallow dish beat eggs, add oil and water. On flat surface place chicken cutlet out, layer with ham and Swiss cheese. Roll from one end to the other, securing tightly as you roll.  Carefully place separately onto dish.  One at a time, holding secure, roll into egg mixture and carefully into breadcrumb mixture. Place rolls into large black iron skillet or a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes in 350-degree oven. Check for doneness at 25 minutes to ensure not overcooking as chicken continues to cook when removed from oven. You want the chicken to be moist~ not overcooked. I have tried many variations with this recipe. ie.: crushed pistachios into breadcrumb mixture, spinach inside with ham and cheese, hollandaise sauce or chicken gravy with fresh sautéed mushrooms for topping. Serving suggestions: rice pilaf, mushroom risotto, crisp green salad and a glass of dry white wine!    xo ~ Bon appetite.  Denise