Dishin’ With Denise… The Sunny Side Up… Of Father’s Day


Denise Gianatasio is a Northport 
Village resident and freelance writer. She 
is a licenced agent at Signature Premier 
Properties, Gold Circle of Excellence, 
172 Main Street, Northport 631-754-3600. Denise enjoys cooking and sharing her recipes and family stories, as she wants to inspire a warm sense of home with her readers. Please feel free to contact her for any advice you may need at

Honoring Fathers today everywhere brings my thoughts to my own Dad. No longer here but always in my heart~ I remember that although he was born in Italy and came to this country at the age of 27 he did not bring the love of pasta with him…nope he actually preferred rice! In a sea of bright memories~ my Dad’s love of rice vs. pasta was a bit strange to me?  I thought I could assume a thing or two about Italy and about Italians loving pasta~ a bit of irony here. Pasta, Italy’s most arguably popular dish~ was not my Dad’s. He would just love whenever there would be a little container of left over tomato sauce with meat or without in the fridge. He’d boil up some white rice and color it red with sauce, grated cheese, and put a fried egg on top. We thought it was a bit strange back then but look…culinary chefs around the world are fashioning dishes with his signature idea. He called it his sunny side bowl~ unexpectedly~ quite delicious and soul satisfying to him. All these many years later Dad had something going on~ these unusual combination of foods~ today are being prepared by culinary chefs across the globe~ using a fried sunny side up egg on top! You’ll see that egg being served on top of just about anything~ pizza, soups, pasta’s, burgers, salads, steaks. For more recipes made even more delicious with the addition of a fried egg on top get Lara Ferroni’s book “Put an egg on it”  Who knew? My Dad knew! Here’s to looking back on the sunny side up of life. 
    “Happy Father’s Day!”   xoxo Denise 

Easy to prepare:

1 cup boiled white rice
(he especially loved Arborio rice) 
½ cup of tomato sauce, 
salt, pepper, 
grated cheese, 
butter and a 
fried sunny side up egg! 

Great for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or as a side dish.