Your New Year’s Evolution


Kathy Horowitz facilitates a monthly women’s writer’s group at the Life Center in Huntington. Her work has appeared in The Long Islander,
Long Island Woman, Calyx, Blue Unicorn, and Seventh Quarry. Kathy offers freelance writing,
editing, and proofreading services.

My fond hope is that you’ve all had a joyful and, hopefully, somewhat relaxing holiday.  Now that the mad dash to shop, decorate, entertain, bake, cook, and everything else is over, you may begin to ponder what your New Year’s resolution will be. Instead of making resolutions, why not see 2019 as a year of evolution for you and your well-being.
    Sit for a quiet meditation. If you’ve never tried it, a simple two-minute meditation is a wonderful way to begin clearing out the monkey-mind from the past few months. Find a quiet spot either in your home or a favorite place outside where you can sit and breathe deeply. If you’re near a body of water, focus on the waves or ripples and imagine your troubles flowing out with the currents. Appreciate all you’ve done and all you are, as well as the nature that surrounds you.  Increase the time you meditate by one minute each time.  It is a lifelong practice.
    Review old photo albums.  Holidays are hard especially when we miss those who are no longer with us.  Instead of tuning into that sweeping sense of sadness, look at photos that remind you of the happy and joyful times you had with your loved ones.  Speak to them. Let them know how much you miss them, but also how they have continued to influence and inspire you.  I have a favorite photo of my mom on my desk where she is always smiling at me.  It is comforting to feel her presence.  
    Take yourself out to dinner or  a movie. We all need to reconnect with others, but often forget about reconnecting with ourselves.  If we take ourselves out on a date night, we might realize what it is we are missing in our lives. Artists and writers like to do that to inspire their muse. Inspire yourself to discover that it’s all right to be alone in your own good company.
    Lose yourself in an adult coloring book and unleash your inner child. I’m a fan of word puzzles. Take out the crayons, colored pencils, or magic markers and make your art appear on the page. It’ll take you back to your childhood when engaging in something creative gave you a sense of enjoyment and empowerment.
    Whatever the New Year brings for you, my wish is that you take some time each week to reconnect with your self.  You may be surprised that you’ll find what you may have lost. Have a  Happy, Healthy 2019 to you and your loved ones.