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Protecting Early Season Plants

    Welcome to April! Hopefully by now, the snow has started to recede, the crocuses and daffodils are poking up through the ground,...

ENJOY… Big Game Sunday with Crispy Fried Pickles!

Denise Gianatasio is a Northport Village resident, freelance writer and licensed agent at Signature Premier Properties in Northport. Please feel free to contact her for any...

Worried About the COVID Learning Slide? 4 Steps Parents Can Take

Visit u.org/takenote to learn more and access Take N.O.T.E. in English or Spanish. You'll find a free digital resource with the tools to notice,...
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Home & Garden: 33 Gardening Tips To Celebrate 33 Years with ET Media

As the crisp autumn air ushers in a new gardening season, it’s time to celebrate 33 years of cultivating growth with ET Week Media....

In The Kitchen: Mannino Kitchen and Bar

Pictured left to right: John, Frank and Joe Mannino Locations: 1575 Montauk Highway, Oakdale, NY 11769  Tel: 631-218-0909 2158 Jericho Turnpike, Commack, NY 11725  Tel: 631-462-0909 40 East...

Personal Development: Empower Your Child: Teaching Self-Love and Confidence for the New School Year

As a teen life coach, one of the most common questions parents ask me is, 'How can I help my child stop worrying about...